I hope I haven't lost my readership, it has been a while since I posted my last bit of "wisdom". Not that I was out of things to say but mostly because I was lazy! The weather was rainy and it just made for an easy excuse not to do anything.
I spent alot of time thinking about a lot of things like, youth, maturity, priorities, must-do's and things that we really don't need to do. I am not sure what exactly the thoughts around those things were but I do remember a sense of cliche! It funny how we hate cliches but they are often so true.
I have been watching my kids make decisions. I am very proud of them, they make good decisions. They have a sense that time is running out on them and that they need to do this or that before it is too late. For myself, on the contrary, time seems to slow down and it is never too late. Maybe it is all that forward thinking that many of us are caught up in, projecting ourselves down the road 10 years from now could be exciting, could also be scary!
Living in the present, is not just living, it is comprised of mindfulness, thankfulness, observation, and relaxation. Think of it as a 10 day vacation in 24 hours. Learning to enjoy what we have, when we have it, is an art. It must be practiced, as practice makes perfect!(there's a cliche). When we do this we extract every minute of every day. Nothing is lost, nothing is wasted and time does not slip past us unnoticed and untended. We have mastered time, we have made the Old Man slow down and sit a while and together we have walked through the day and savored it.
It is not rocket science this "living in the present" stuff. It is there for each and every one of us to have, we just need to reach out and take it. We may find excuses, like I did about my blog, but as we practice the newly found knowledge it becomes an integral part of our everyday life. It seeps in and saturates us and as we then move through our daily activities it oozes out towards the ones we love. Many thing become effortless, things that we thought we may never achieve, begin happening, taking shape, transpiring...........health, a sense of belonging, achievement, love,peace of mind and then some. What some might consider work to get to becomes a simple path that we are on, a river that we float down, filled with smells, sounds and memories that we will never forget.
Life has not passed us by.
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