Saturday, June 9, 2012

Carpe Diem

Another new day!  Yesterday we had a wonderful thunderstorm all afternoon.  So much rain fell that it grew in intensity at least five times!  Little creeks formed and it fell off the roof in sheets.  All the while I made jam over the woodstove and felt so cozy inside.

This morning everything is shining.  The horses are just shimmering in the sunlight, their freshly, washed coats absolutely gleaming.  I don't think I could even get them that clean.

The wind is picking up, which is not unusual here.  As soon as moisture fills the air it's as if a vacuum is created whirling the wind into action.  If it keeps up all day the ground will be as dry as a midsummer afternoon.  At least my rain soaked laundry will be dry!

Last year we had a wet and windy June.  It was good for the livestock as the grass grew unending and everything stayed a beautiful green............not the norm here.  I can't tell if all this is a sign of global warming or not.........I am sure I could find out, but it would be better to just take each day as it comes.

Knowing something like that doesn't really change the way I do things.  My life will still consist of living conscientiously. 

Knowing something like that causes anxiety, fear, depression, a sense that everything I do is for nothing.  I have observed that in this age of information we have concerned ourselves with our mortality, hung a noose around our necks and went looking for tree.

Sufficient today is the evil thereof.

Modern psychology teaches us to "take one day at a time", break things down into smaller tasks and live in the moment.

The world bombards us with tragedy, sickness, disaster, crime, and news of things that we can't possibly affect.  We end up feeling frustrated, helpless and lost, as if someone or something stands at the helm and steers us to places we don't want to go.  We become fatalists, self centered, paranoid, anxious, sad, angry, and inward.

It doesn't have to be that way.  Each new day is new.  Isn't that the point?  It is ours for the taking to build that which is lasting and important, to love, to live, to breath in the fresh air, to have, to hold, to protect what is our own by nurturing it and passing on a life worth living.

Carpe diem!.........Seize the day.

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